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Spark NLP in Action

Spark NLP – English De-Identification
Healthcare Datasets
Open Source Ai Platform
Deidentify structured data
Deidentify PHI information from structured datasets using out of the box Spark NLP functionality that enforces GDPR and HIPPA compliance, while maintaining linkage of clinical data across files.
Natural Language Processing Python
Healthcare Data
Deidentify free text documents
Deidentify free text documents by either masking or obfuscating PHI information using out of the box Spark NLP models that enforce GDPR and HIPPA compliance.
Artificial Intelligence In Service
Artificial Intelligence in Medical Diagnosis
Deidentify DICOM documents
Deidentify DICOM documents by masking PHI information on the image and by either masking or obfuscating PHI from the metadata.
AI Platform As A Service
AI in medical research
De-identify PDF documents – HIPAA Compliance
De-identify PDF documents using HIPAA guidelines by masking PHI information using out of the box Spark NLP models.
AI in Medical Field
Enriched Healthcare Data
De-identify PDF documents – GDPR Compliance
De-identify PDF documents using GDPR guidelines by anonymizing PHI information using out of the box Spark NLP models.