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Spark NLP in Action

Spark NLP – English Recognize Clinical Entities
Detect signs and symptoms
AI & NLP Awards
Detect signs and symptoms
Automatically identify Signs and Symptoms in clinical documents using two of our pretrained Spark NLP clinical models.
Diagnosis and procedures
Free Health Datasets
Detect diagnosis and procedures
Automatically identify diagnoses and procedures in clinical documents using the pretrained Spark NLP clinical model ner_clinical.
Detect drugs and prescriptions
Healthcare Datasets Terminology
Detect drugs and prescriptions
Automatically identify Drug, Dosage, Duration, Form, Frequency, Route, and Strength details in clinical documents using three of our pretrained Spark NLP clinical models.
Adverse drug events
Adverse drug events
Adverse drug events tagger
Automatic pipeline that tags documents as containing or not containing adverse events description, then identifies those events.
Detect anatomical references
Anatomical references
Detect anatomical references
Automatically identify Anatomical System, Cell, Cellular Component, Anatomical Structure, Immaterial Anatomical Entity, Multi-tissue Structure, Organ, Organism Subdivision, Organism Substance, Pathological Formation in clinical documents using our pretrained Spark NLP model.
Detect clinical events
Clinical events
Detect clinical events
Automatically identify a variety of clinical events such as Problems, Tests, Treatments, Admissions or Discharges, in clinical documents using two of our pretrained Spark NLP models.
Detect lab results
Lab results
Detect lab results
Automatically identify Lab test names and Lab results from clinical documents using our pretrained Spark NLP model.
Detect tumor characteristics
Detect tumor characteristics
Detect tumor characteristics
Automatically identify tumor characteristics such as Anatomical systems, Cancer, Cells, Cellular components, Genes and gene products, Multi-tissue structures, Organs, Organisms, Organism subdivisions, Simple chemicals, Tissues from clinical documents using our pretrained Spark NLP model.
Detect clinical entities in text
Automatically detect more than 50 clinical entities using our NER deep learning model.
Detect risk factors
Automatically identify risk factors such as Coronary artery disease, Diabetes, Family history, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertension, Medications, Obesity, PHI, Smoking habits in clinical documents using our pretrained Spark NLP model.
Symptoms assertion
Diagnosis and symptoms
Identify diagnosis and symptoms assertion status
Automatically detect if a diagnosis or a symptom is present, absent, uncertain or associated to other persons (e.g. family members).